Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Group Page

I have started a group page for my hobby, being a Pampered Chef consultant! Check it out. I'll post a new blog each time I put updates on the page. This is for anyone and everyone wanting to know more about The Pampered Chef. Please come visit my group page and become my newest member! I'm trying to grow my business, so let your friends know too!

Thanks to all who have supported me in this! I really appreciate it.



When Chad and I bought the movie Nacho Libre, it came with this mask. Chad put it on as a joke when we first bought it about two years ago, that's the picture below. Avery was playing with it the other day and we decided we'd better try it on. So who is the real Nacho? Not sure, but I love how the mask is way to big for Avery's face. She wore that thing around for a long time. We all had a good laugh.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway Winner!!

The winner for my giveaway was chosen this morning. And the winner is:

Denise! #58

Thanks to everyone who came and visited my blog and left a comment. 303 people!!! I always new The Pampered Chef was a great product, but it's nice to know there are lots of other people out there who think the same thing!

I wish I could give a gift to you all! SO, If any of you are interested in ordering pampered chef, For this week only I will offer you 10% off. This is my thanks for showing interest in my giveaway. I hope to hear back from some of you, or all of you!

Thanks so much again! And make sure you come and visit again in July! I'll be participating in the giveaway that month as well.

If you'd like to check out other bloggy giveaway winners, just click on the bloggy giveaway picture and you can see lots of other winners from there!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Grocery Game

I've had a lot of people ask me lately about my crazy coupon clipping, so I'm going to do a little advertising for a favorite web site of mine. A few months ago, I started something called the grocery game. You can go to www.thegrocerygame.com to check it out for yourself. What it does is combine valid coupons with current sales in certain stores. It focuses mainly on stockpiling while prices are at their lowest. I use the Safeway list because it's really the only decent grocery store around and I save money on gas there. To prove that this really does work, I put a couple of pictures on my blog.

The top left picture is a picture of my coupon binder. Way easier to organize with a binder then with a little coupon purse. If you're going to do this I recommend getting a binder that is at least 1.5" thick, you'll be surprised how many coupons you will accumulate in a short period of time just from the Sunday paper. I went and bought some plastic photo album pages and put them inside the binder. Each one has three slots and the album pages are really inexpensive. You can fit quite a few coupons in each slot.

The top right picture is one of my coupon pages. As you can see I put my coupons in by categories, I have 43 categories in my coupon book. It makes finding my coupons each week, or while I'm in the store, a lot less difficult. Some people will put them in order of expiration date also, I don't have the motivation to do that every week!

Bottom left picture is just showing the thickness of the binder. This is why I'm saying to get a 1.5" binder. You WILL fill it up, I promise. I get my coupons mainly from the Sunday paper, but I also get some from online sources, and just from other random places. You'll find once you start looking for coupons you'll find them everywhere.

The bottom right photograph is my proof that this is worth it. It costs me 10.00 every 8 weeks to get my Safeway list. You can add more grocery stores, but it will cost you 5 dollars for each additional store. They do have a trial period of one month for a dollar if you want to try it. Anyway, the proof is in the pudding right? My picture on the bottom right is my receipt from my last shopping trip. It's a little fuzzy so I will tell you what it says: Club Card Savings $63.60, Coupon Savings $24.38, total savings 63% $87.98.... I only paid 53.80 for groceries that day. Almost $25 of that savings was just from coupons!!

I convinced my sister to try it, and her last grocery trip she saved an extreme amount of money. I'm telling you, this will change the way you shop!!! You've got to try it. If you do decide to sign up, would you please say that I recommended you and put my email address? I can get a free 8 weeks if 3 people sign up under my name. Either way I'm going to continue doing it. I'm saving way way way more then I'm putting into it. Hope I've convinced others to save money too!!!
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bloggy Giveaways!!

I have changed the sentence to leave an email address by putting it in bold typing. There are a few people that have added comments that don't have a way of contacting them from a blogging site. It would be ashamed to win and not be able to be contacted. I really want everyone that comments to have an opportunity to win, so don't forget! Thanks for stopping by! :)

I've decided to try this Blog Giveaway! I am a huge fan of The Pampered Chef, and swear by their quality. I have enjoyed their products so much, I think everyone needs to try their stuff out!

So, for my blog giveaway I'm going to give 25 dollars towards the purchase of any Pampered Chef product(s) of your choosing. This 25 dollars does not include the shipping or tax. I will pay the shipping and tax (taxes will be whatever they are in your area) for any order up to 25 dollars. You may order more than the established amount, but will be responsible for the additional cost plus tax and shipping for that additional cost. If you are wondering about the products you can check it all out on www.pamperedchef.com .

All you have to do is comment on this blog post. You do not have to have a blogging site, but I do have to be able to contact you if you are the winner, so if you do not have a blogging site that I can message you on, please leave me an email address !!!!!!! After the winner is chosen I will inform him/her on what the next step will be.

Because of the Bloggy Giveaways deadline, you will have until 11:59pm Saturday April 27 to leave a comment. The winner will be selected randomly using Random.org and announced on April 28th. Good Luck!!

If you are interested in having a pampered chef party, or selling pampered chef yourself please let me know! The benefits of hosting a show and/or selling the products are endless!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Holy Cow!!! I swear I was just gone for the blink of an eye! I went back to the bedroom to put some folded clothes away, and vuala, here is Avery's newest hobby. She's been playing with this little tin can that I have in that cupboard but she's never pulled everything else out. I couldn't help but laugh a little.
Here's another view of the mess. Not sure where she got the diapers from. I'm assuming she went back to her bedroom to add to the pile. She didn't only pull the things out of the cupboard, but she pulled the garbage bags from the box, and the check books from their box, etc, etc, etc. This stuff was all over the house, this is only what was right in front of the cupboard.
Here she is, reading an old ledger book lol. Doesn't she look innocent?
Of course I couldn't stay upset after this. She came over and gave me a big "squeezy" and made it all better. I love her hugs! They melt my heart.
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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Avery's "Hiding" Places

I don't know what Avery's deal is with getting into small spaces, but these are just a couple of her favorite "hiding" spots.

She'll take her favorite blanky and crawl into this little cubby hole in our entertainment center, and stay there for quite some time.

This is underneath a table behind the couch. I think this is her favorite place because she goes there at least once a day. It must be where she comes up with all her mischievous plans.

Again, crawling into the cubby hole. That box is a Christmas present that I have yet to take back. I think I'm a little behind on that one... Maybe I'll give it to somebody as a baby gift..Katy? lol.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Avery's Offroad Adventure

Chad was working in the yard a couple days ago spiking it with the four wheeler, and Avery decided she wanted to ride. She had a very serious look on her face the whole time, it was cracking us up. She didn't want to get off the four wheeler though, she really thought she was doing something. I love the last picture, she looks totally relaxed lol. Chad is working so much that Avery and him hardly get to spend time together, so we all love it when they get to hang out.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Avery's piggies

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So, Avery has been teased relentlessly by her Aunt Katy about having a mullet...So last Wednesday before we left my cousin Mo's house, I swore we would get her hair into a pony tail. Well the pony didn't quite work out, we had to go with the piggies, but I was tickled. She looks so cute! And the mullet isn't visible lol. So here's Avery's first piggy tails.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My baby girl.

On February 25, 2007, Chad and I added Avery Katherine to our family. She's now a year old and keeping us on our toes! She's definately the best thing that has ever happened to me! Not sure what life would be like without her, but it's awesome with her. Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Avery!

This is my favorite picture of her so far.
Whip it, whip it good.... Avery's Devo days.

Avery's favorite thing to do... scream!
Here's Avery in her big girl sunglasses... She loves those things.

Family Pics

Here are some more family photos. I have a lot of photos so I figured I'd just put a few up of everything to get everyone caught up. So here's the last few months.. kind of haha.

Chad and I last Christmas at Granny and Pa's.
Riding the snowmobile with Dad. She loved the snow!
Woodland Park Zoo with Uncle Charlie! We had fun that day.

Stuffin her face on her first birthday.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Joining the family bloggers

I've decided to join the blogging team. I looked at Katy's today and knew that I had to do it. So this is me, blogging... Hope you enjoy the pictures of my family!