A couple Sundays ago Avery got on the stage at church and started drumming away on the drum set. We all had a good laugh. She really thought she was something! And who knows, maybe I have the next Lars Ulrich on my hands. Oh man I hope not!! There are also a couple pictures of her at Nana's brushing Joey's hair with a my little pony brush. Then she decided that she should brush his teeth too LOL. Hey, a brush is a brush right?? Not much I can say about those pictures... Love you Jo Jo! Now the poor kid has hives... I used to get them when I was little. Dr. says he doesn't really know if they are caused by a virus or an allergy, but he said that if they go away in like 10 days and don't come back it was probably a virus, and if they stick around, it's probably something she is allergic to. Hope we get rid of em here in the next week and they never come back!! We'll just blame it on Aunt Katy for using a new soap on her the other day ;) Kidding...
Well, I guess we all know what to get Avery for her birthday next year! Don't worry, we'll throw in some ear plugs for mom and dad!!LOL We love you Avery.
I'm sure glad someone watches Joey's hygiene habits! Thank you Avery for taking care of my Jo Jo! Oh and Heidi, we will go in on you with the drums, but will not contribute to ear plugs! LOLOL
You might not want to do that, because you know i will retaliate....
Watch out Jo Jo...she'll be putting in the pig tails in no time! And next time she'll be using the toilet brush for your teeth!! LOL
Those two are nuts, I swear...they have a wierd connection, don't they? I want to see what Emma would do to retaliate against the drumset...Oooohhhh, the possibilities!
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